GitHub Blog for Joe Hohertz

Updates about work published to GitHub

Release 0.15 M5 Of Buri Does Flux In A Box

This release of Buri contains mostly a re-work of how Buri sees “environment”, which is meant mostly to allow separation of VM from AMI provisioning.

The key goal of this release was to get a simple process by which to generate a virtual machine containing all of Flux Capacitor and the various supporting roles to run it. This has been achieved and is detailed in the file of Buri on how to setup your own VM and do basic testing against it.

There is some work to be done to bring the AMI generation documentation up to date with the changes that have occurred around configuring the builds. This will catch up over the next week or two as we bring more of the roles developed against the VM closer to being EC2 ready.

Please give it a try, I’d love any feedback, problem reports, etc, so if this is an area of interest for you, please give it a try, favourite the project in GitHub and spread the word.
