Release 0.1.1 Tagged With Social Fixes And Slide Deck Layout Based On Reveal.js

Fixes and a new feature

I have tagged v0.1.1 of Dr. Henry. As a side note, it looks like the tag for v0.1.0 never made it out, though master had the right HEAD ref. Anyways, that’s fixed too.

The main thing worth it for this release is two different fixes to social.

  • facebook sharing area hung a few pixels lower than the rest, that has been corrected
  • the URL being given to the social widgets wasn’t always right. A canonical URL is provided uniformly now for page widgets. There may be ‘site’ widgets to come that always point to a homepage or the like, but they are not here yet.

There were also a couple of fixes to the navigation in the octo theme.

And the new feature, is there is now a layout for doing slide decks in HTML5 markup based on the fancy reveal.js.

Read on to learn more about that, and the next area of focus.

Dr. Henry now includes the reveal.js documentation/demo slides as a page with the new layout. See the the slide deck source or look at the example here to see it running. It should look exactly like the homepage for reveal.js.

If you looked at the code in the first link, you can see how simple it is to setup a slide deck. Except for the section tags, you could do simple decks in jekyll rendered markdown even. Reveal has it’s own markdown support as well, mixing them would probably be a bad idea, as you would need to escape as raw, all kinds of things, to make it do what you intend.

The most minimal hello world, one-slide deck, is three lines:

  <h1>Hello World!</h1>

Put as many sections for as many slides as you need/want. Check out the demo slide source for examples of what can be done.

Social buttons are supported, and look nice enough. Comments are not yet supported, maybe ever, it doesn’t fit with the layout really. Though some overlay thing could work I suppose.

It’s important to note this is not a theme at all, you can use it under any theme. It’s just a special case of a page layout type.

Why? I had some slides I wanted to consolidate under my main blog. That’s all the reason I needed.

What’s next? Navigation is the next thing I’ll probably tackle. It’s going to be data-driven setup, with the navbars/menus to respond to that data in some way better than what we have, which is the area the themes today are the least like one another.

Thanks for check this out if you’ve made it to here. Give it a try, let me know how it works out, and give it a like, or star on github.

Take care for now.
